Original conversation. 632|Janet17|Points 43355| User: Where did the Anasazi live? Weegy: The Anasazi lived in the cliffs of the Southwest. Mountains in the Northeast B. Log in for more information. Central plains. User: Where did the Anasazi live? Weegy: The Anasazi lived in the Cliffs in the Southwest. Post thoughts, events, experiences, and milestones, as you travel along the path that is uniquely yours. The Anasazi lived in cliffs in the Southwest. 2 Answers/Comments. Do you have a question for me? User: how did president kennedy respond to the information that the soviet union was placing nuclear missiles in cuba Weegy: A naval blockade -is how President Kennedy responded to the. The Mid-Atlantic Coast C. 4 Answers/Comments. Connect with others, with spontaneous photos and videos, and random live-streaming. Where did the Anasazi live? A. Connect with others, with spontaneous photos and videos, and random live-streaming. Cliffs in the Southwest. s government?User: Where did the anasazi live? Weegy: The Anasazi lived in the Cliffs in the Southwest. Added 5/5/2018 11:53:48 AM. Mid-Atlantic coast O C. A. Score 1 User: Which Location served as an important. Log in for more information. Log in for more information. Log in for more information. 8765. MrG. Weegy: Every complete sentence contains Subject, verb and predicates. Mountains in the Northeast O D. Cliffs in the Southwest C. 7/12/2023 12:42:09 PM| 6 Answers. Mountains in the Northeast C. Central plains D. Do you have a question for me?User: Where did Anasazi live Weegy: The Anasazi lived in the Cliffs in the Southwest. Score 1 User: how did William Penn come in possession of land in the new world Weegy: William Penn came to be in possession of land in the New World by: The king owed his father money. Updated 10/25/2020 11:23:32 PM. Score 1 User: Why was Philadelphia more important in Colonial America? Weegy: Philadelphia was important in colonial America because it became a large agricultural producer of tobacco. Mountains in the Northeast. Top Ranked Experts * Order Points Ratings Comments Invitations. Asked 39 days ago|11/22/2022 2:08:20 AM. Mid-Atlantic coast O C. Cliffs in the Southwest Weegy: The Anasazi lived in cliffs in the Southwest. Score 1 User: which colony legalized slavery in 1661 Weegy: Virginia colony legalized slavery in 1661. 6|Janet17|Points 40007| User: Where did Anasazi live?A. Search for an answer or ask Weegy. Central plains D. Where did the Anasazi live? Can't find the answer. authority, limited D. The homeowner feels the plumber has not completed the work and caused additional damage. Weegy: The Anasazi lived in the Four Corners region, where Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah meet. 8765. Where did the Anasazi live? O A. Because you're already amazing. Expert answered| emdjay23 |Points 266304|. s government?User: Where did the Anasazi live? Weegy: The Anasazi lived in the Cliffs in the Southwest. Weegy: The Anasazi lived in the cliffs in the Southwest. User: where did the anasazi live? Weegy: The Anasazi lived in the Four Corners region, where Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah meet. Updated 39 days ago|11/22/2022 3:01:54 AM. WINDOWPANE is the live-streaming app for sharing your life as it happens, without filters, editing, or anything fake. Weegy: The Anasazi lived in the Four Corners region, where Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah meet. Updated 6/28/2022 7:51:24 PM. Log in for more information. Score 1 User: Georgia was intended to be a second chance for what group of peopleWeegy: The Anasazi lived in cliffs in the Southwest. S. User: Where did the Anasazi live? Weegy: The Anasazi lived in the Cliffs in the Southwest. The Mid-Atlantic Coast C. User: go Weegy: Good to know that you are doing good today. Central plains O B. WINDOWPANE is the live-streaming app for sharing your life as it happens, without filters, editing, or anything fake. User: What was a result of Bacon's Rebellion?User: Where did the Anasazi live? Weegy: The Anasazi lived in the area today known as Four Corners; This area of the United States is where the four states of New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, and Utah meet. The Anasazi lived in the Cliffs in the Southwest. Central plains. 6727|Janet17|Points 45387| User: How did the English come in possession of New York Weegy: The English came to be in possession of New York by threatening the Dutch governor, who had to surrender. Score 1 User: Which colony was established. User: Where did the Anasazi live Weegy: The Anasazi lived in the Four Corners region, where Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah meet. Cliffs in the Southwest. Score 1. 7/13/2023 5:19:09 AM| 5 Answers _____are one of the many seriously damaging effects of alcohol. User: In which type of. |Score . L. Score 1 User: Why was Philadelphia more important in Colonial America? Weegy: Philadelphia was important in colonial America because it became a large agricultural producer of tobacco. Because you're already amazing. Central plains D. Cliffs in the Southwest Weegy: The Anasazi lived in cliffs in the Southwest. Weegy: The Anasazi lived in the Four Corners region, where Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah meet. User: Where did the Anasazi live?A. The Mid-Atlantic Coast D. Score 1 User: Before the slaves trade, what was African culture like. Mountains in the Northeast Weegy: The Anasazi lived in the Cliffs in the Southwest. Mountains in the Northeast. Expert answered|Mi Ming|Points 42213|. User: where did the Anasazi live Weegy: The Anasazi lived in the Cliffs in the Southwest. Mountains in the Northeast B. Score 1 User: why did the dutch settle in new netherlands Weegy: The Dutch settle in New Netherlands because they wanted to get rich from the fur trade. User: Where did the Anasazi live Weegy: The Anasazi lived in the Four Corners region, where Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah meet. Where did the Anasazi live? A. |Score . Post thoughts, events, experiences, and milestones, as you travel along the path that is uniquely yours. Weegy: Microsleep is a brief, involuntary episode of unconsciousness lasting anywhere from a fleeting moment. The Anasazi lived in cliffs in the Southwest. Get answers from Weegy and a team of really smart live experts. Central plains B. Why was the Virginia Company founded?User: Where did Anasazi live Weegy: The Anasazi lived in the Cliffs in the Southwest. Updated 12 days ago|1/26/2023 1:17:11 AM. User: Where did the Anasazi live Weegy: The Anasazi lived in the Four Corners region, where Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah meet. User: Where did the Anasazi live Weegy: The Anasazi lived in the Four Corners region, where Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah meet. Mountains in the Northeast D. User: Where did the Anasazi live Weegy: The Anasazi lived: in the Cliffs in the Southwest. 6727|Janet17|Points 45387| User: How did the English come in possession of New York Weegy: The English came to be in possession of New York by threatening the Dutch governor, who had to surrender. Central plains. User: Where did the Anasazi live Weegy: How can i help? Log in for more information. Question. Cliffs in the Southwest B. Search for an answer or ask Weegy. |Score . Mountains in the Northeast O D. Mountains in the Northeast O D. Where did the Anasazi live? A. Central plains Weegy: The Anasazi lived in. User: What happened to the Virginia company. Central plains D. 6727|Janet17|Points 45644| User: In what ways did native tribes make advancements before europeans arrived Weegy: Native tribes made advancements in farming and. Do you have a question for me?Where did the Anasazi live? A. |Score . User: Which colony was established specifically as a safe haven for Catholics Weegy:. User: where did the anasazi live Weegy: The Anasazi lived in the Cliffs in the Southwest. Score 1 User: what's a kiva Weegy: A kiva is a room used by Puebloans for religious rituals and political meetings, many of them associated with the. The president doesn't sign the bill but holds it for more than 10 days. The Anasazi lived in the Four Corners region, where Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah meet. B. Central plains. Where did the Anasazi live? O A. This answer has. Question. Added 1 minute 55 seconds ago|7/24/2023 12:19:56 AM This answer has been. Score 1 User: why did slaves learn to read if it was outlawed by slave codes Weegy: Slaves learn to read even if it was outlawed by slave codes because: Christian owners wanted their slaves to read the Bible. Get answers from Weegy and a team of really smart live experts. 0 Answers/Comments. Cliffs in the Southwest. Weegy: Depending on the. - was a result of Bacon's Rebellion. Score 1 User: why did slaves learn to read if it was outlawed by slave codes Weegy: Slaves learn to read even if it was outlawed by slave codes because: Christian owners wanted their slaves to read the Bible. User: Where did the Anasazi live? A. Score 1 User: which colony was. Cliffs in the Southwest. Weegy: The Anasazi lived in cliffs in the Southwest. Question and answer Where did the Anasazi live? The Anasazi lived in the area today known as Four Corners; This area of the United States is where the four states of New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, and Utah meet. 13 hours ago · The Anasazi lived in the Cliffs in the Southwest. Score 1 User: Which Location served as an important. Because you're already amazing. User: Where did the Anasazi live?A. Where did the Anasazi live? The Anasazi lived in the Four Corners region, where Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah meet. Central plains D. Weegy: The Anasazi lived in the Four Corners region, where Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah meet. Weegy: The Anasazi lived in cliffs in the Southwest. Score 1 User: why did salem witch trials end Weegy: The. Where did the Anasazi live? The Anasazi lived in the: Cliffs in the Southwest. Log in for more information. Cliffs in the Southwest. Post thoughts, events, experiences, and milestones, as you travel along the path that is uniquely yours. Score 1 User: Why was Philadelphia more important in Colonial America? Weegy: Philadelphia was important in colonial America because it became a large agricultural producer of tobacco. Popular Conversations. Score 1 User: Why did William Peen accept land in the new world? Log in for more information. Score 1. User: Where did the Anasazi live? A. Weegy: The Anasazi lived in cliffs in the Southwest. Score . Question. Get answers from Weegy and a team of really smart live experts. User: Where did the Anasazi live? Weegy: The Anasazi lived in the Cliffs in the Southwest. 6727| Janet17 |Points 45387| User: How. Log in. The Mid-Atlantic Coast C. The Mid-Atlantic Coast. Where did the Anasazi live? A. Score 1 User: Why did North Carolina and South Carolina split into two colonies Weegy: North Carolina and South Carolina split into two colonies because: They had very different economies. Weegy: The Dutch settled in New Netherlands because they wanted to get rich from the fur trade. Question. Roosevelt in 1935. Score 1 User: What is a kiva? Weegy: A kiva is a room used by Puebloans for religious rituals and political meetings, many. User: Where did the Anasazi live Weegy: The Anasazi lived in the Cliffs in the Southwest. Mountains in the Northeast B. Score 1 User: Which Location served as an important. User: Where did the Anasazi live Weegy: The Anasazi lived in the Four Corners region, where Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah meet. Asked 24 days ago|11/22/2022 2:08:20 AM. Central plains B.