With each twitch of the rod, this lure quickly dives down about 3-4 inches below the surface. THE BEST SHRIMP LURES FOR THE SHRIMP RUNS. Notes: The Yo-Zuri Topknock is like a budget version of the Skitter Walk,. Moreover, the Gulp! translucent shrimp lure is a valuable sight fishing tool. Here are my favorites (in order of preference): Jerk shads. The Power Prawn USA lures are made from a soft yet more dense material making them much easier to rig and cast (especially for skip casting under docks/trees). I prefer to use a 1/8 oz. 25:03 – Lure #3: Power Prawn. Place the flat part of the pliers into the ring, and use the notched part of the jaw to open the. Price: $6-7. The Got-Cha plug is one of the most popular lures for beach and pier fishing. It is very common to take your soft plastic lures and dip them in color dye. Gold Digger Scented Paddletail Lure. I personally took the NEW F. In the fall, fish are more aggressive and baitfish are bigger (and the Slam Shady Bomber is the perfect lure to use during this time). I want to tell you about the best saltwater fishing lure out there that can help you catch more fish than you ever imagined. Right now, you can get this lure color in paddletail, jerk shad, or artificial shrimp lure form. Spoon. The weight of a metal spoon or jig cuts through the wind with ease and casts far. A cheaper but just as strong alternative for single replacement inline hooks is the 1/0 Mustad Kaiju Single Inline Hooks. Anything will hit a topwater lure that’s erratically dancing across the surface. R. . D. 2. You want to create speed in the tip section of the rod to propel the lure forward. First, we upgraded the hooks on this lure to BKK 1/0 super strong hook. Artificial Lure Selector Cheat Sheet [PDF Download!!!] This Lure Selector Cheat Sheet is designed to help you narrow down your lure selection based on the conditions. : Use a good lure for skipping up under the docks. Comments (37) Thousands of new pieces of fishing tackle and equipment!!! Most tackle stores add a few new products at a time…. Paddletail. FishStrong. It’s great to use in murky water conditions. 6:11 – Luke was totally blown away by this lure. My favorite lure to fish a dock is a large paddletail lure. Live Shrimp. 33:02 – Do your research and plan your trip with satellite maps. Thread line through hook/lure eye. Note: the steel leader takes quite a bit of force to deploy from the body of the lure, which prevents the hook from unnecessarily deploying without a fish on the line. Especially during this time of year, the water can churn up and become dirty or murky between tides. Check out the FULL Insider Report. To rig the lures, put the point of hook directly in the center of the top of the lure and pull right down through the bottom side of the bait. Step 3: Go ahead and dip your lure in the water then cast. R. Reel: Daiwa Legalis 2500-XH. Kreh Loop Knot (Non-Slip Loop Knot) The ‘Kreh loop knot’ has been my knot of choice for the past 5 years once I found out about it. com is a Salt Strong LLC Company. E. $8. The 11 for 1 was a bit of a light bulb moment for me when a variety of the Salt Strong lures arrived in the same package. Make sure the hook point is centered in the lure. Reel: Daiwa BGMQ 2500-XH. E. Capt. e. 25 oz bottle) directly to your lure of choice. 2. The types of lures you bring with you on inshore fishing trips need to have these THREE things in common:When To Use The Top Dog & Top Pup. Improved Clinch Knot. Comments (14) Here’s some action from the first day of trying a new lure! The NEW Salt Strong Mulligan is coming SOON!!The Power Prawn has proven to be the most versatile artificial shrimp lure for targeting redfish, speckled trout, snook, and more! After some minor tweaks, we somehow made it even better!! Be on the lookout for when the Power Prawn USA artificial shrimp lures come into our online tackle shop!!Why You Should Pre-Scent Your Soft Plastic Lures. 4:27 – How long to. Here are some benefits: Single hooks are better for the fish than treble hooks (fewer holes in their mouths and less accidental gill or eye hooking) Single hooks are less likely to hook into you (ever caught a treble hook in the leg or hand?) Single hooks are less likely to get snagged on trees, grass, clothes, nets, etc. Smart Fishing Spots Platform (updated every 15 minutes) This exclusive software literally shows you where the most fish are likely to be feeding based on exactly when you’ll be fishing. As the temperatures rise and we enter the thick of spring even into summer, the Corky is THE go-to twitchbait lure. plus you’ll be added to the Salt Strong Newsletter. CLAIM YOUR FREE PACK. R. Topwater lures fit the bill and are one of the best search baits out there. Attach Speed Clips on a Rod You Will be Using Multiple Lures With. ) Cold fronts are starting to come through which impacts the bait the fish are feeding on and in turn changes up the lures you throw. Smart Fishing Spots App. Generally, this is the trend during. It factors in the tides, wind, and weather to help you quickly see which areas to target throughout the day. LEARN MORE. 19:42 – Fishing docks in the Winter. Rigging: Hoss Helix 3/0 with 1/8th. 5 inch paddletail will be your new go-to lure for dirty and murky water scenarios. BKK is out of Australia and they design the strongest saltwater hooks on the market. Bug repellents. The smaller 2. Lure 2: Power Prawn USA Junior FRED rigged on 3/0 Hoss Helix Hook. Here’s a timestamped table of contents from my conversation with Tony and Luke about how to catch sheepshead: 2:10 – How to find your own honey holes. Here is a timestamped version of this episode to follow along with: 1:40 – NEW Salt Strong Property!! 2:40 – Research & Development for NEW LURE. The ideal size is somewhere between 3-4 inches. We personally recommend connecting your braided line directly to a fluorocarbon leader which then connecting to your hook/lure in most situations. 01!!!. Twist the tag end around the main line two times. Step 3: Pull the Tag End of Your Line Through the Overhand Loop From Step 1. Being confident in how to use them can do the same for you. Loaded with Special GOLD Flakes To Instantly Grab Attention From Big Fish. Step 1: Tie a loop using a double overhand knot at the end of your 30 lb leader. A. Lure 2: Slam Shady BOMBER Paddletail rigged on Hoss Helix 3/0 with 1/8th. Watch on. These lures have helped us catch literally thousands of fish. Here are the two large paddletails I recommend for summer flounder: Slam Shady Bomber. 17:55 – Transitioning from live bait to lures. Alabama Leprechaun. To catch tailing redfish in the summer, look for them in the morning at the beginning of low tide. Price. This lure will work best in clear water or slightly stained water. Paddletail = Snug Knot. Or just leave them in their original packaging. 12:30 – The Creative Process. E. Price reflected at checkout. 12:44 – When to use the Snug Knot. Junior. 32:48 – Equipment you need to catch big fish at the jetty or pier. Conclusion. They turn to the side right after they hit. First Day Trying Out Our NEW Lure [Fishing Report] By: Pat Ogletree. My favorite colors include:My Favorite Lures For Big Tarpon. D. Soft plastics rigged on jig heads (weighted properly for target depth) Bucktail Jigs. Explore each of them below to learn more about how you can maximize your results with different styles!You can also try skipping a cast beneath the structure because the further you can get your lure under the mangroves or trees, the better chance of putting your lure within the vision of a fish. The #1 stick-bait for spring speckled trout is the Alabama Leprechaun Jerk Shad. provides a nice contrast to murky water while also maintaining the smaller profiles of baitfish that hatch in the. Featured Tackle & Lures: Moonwalker Topwater Lure. And whereas the dolphin like to hit fast-moving lures, tuna prefer slow. The customized design gives it strike-generating action in the water along with the ability to skip cast it under docks and trees. Also, foggy conditions are a great time to try some topwater lures. Once it has reached the bottom, all you need to do is slowly raise and lower your rod to bump the lure along the bottom. I prefer to. Weedless slot to go quickly go weedless. As far as rigging goes, rigging paddletails on a jig head is best, and if you’re getting snagged on rocks, a weedless jig. 16:29 – Ability to cover more ground with artificial lures. 8:40 – Salt Strong Soft Plastic Lure Design. The Slam Shady 2. Members save up to 20%. Here are my favorite weighted hooks along with weight recommendations based on usage: 3/0 Hoss Helix Hooks. As you’re twitching it, reel in just enough to keep slack out of the line. Then as the tide changes, the wind picks up, and the sun hits its height, I’ll move into more protected areas around creek mouths. 3:25 – Live or Frozen Shrimp for Beginners. Take a look!!The double leprechaun rig can be a great way to catch a lot of fish when out on the shallow flats given the great action these lures have when retrieved through the water. In case you’re curious to know what equipment was being used in this video, here are the details: Mainline: 10 lb PowerPro. Mulligan and dipped that in dye to turn the tail into chartreuse. Set Up For The Mulligan. When trout are looking for food, they sit in the grass where the spots on their back let them wait in ambush unnoticed. I was recently at a pier fishing for Spanish mackerel and it seemed like every fisherman there was using them (including me!). Barbs and lure keepers on jigheads tear and carve up the inside of soft plastic lures over time. All I do is cast it up current and give it some twitches as it floats back down with the current like all the other bait. So far, the speed variation retrieve shown in this video consisting of a straight retrieve with occasional twitches. So, buy 10 reels and you’ll get 30 free packs of our new lures!! But don’t forget, this offer is only good starting. Pinch the loop with your fingers. 0 series of paddletails are the ideal lure choice for low tide fishing scenarios. 2. Pairs perfectly with Owner TwistLock Weighted Hooks & Z-Man. 6:57 – Best time and place to use a bucktail. One thing you’ll notice just by looking at the hooks is that the Mustad hooks. You need the weight of the total package: lure plus hook. 3. Paddletails in the 4-7″ range are the best lures for big flounder. This day was part of an experiment testing different topwater lures. com is a Salt Strong LLC. The MOONWALKER is the best topwater lure ever created for inshore saltwater anglers. Pros of the Mustad inline hooks: Much less expensive. Here’s a timestamped table of contents from my conversation with Greg Vinall aka “Doc Lures” from Australia about the. Be on the lookout for those summer doormats!Apply one drop (1. The big body and big tail make a ton of noise along with great action in the water. Z-Man 4-inch Jerk Shad. . 5-inch paddletail that is pink bodied with silver flecks sprinkled throughout the lure. Pull the tag end of your fishing line through the downward-facing side of the overhand loop you made in Step 1. 27:56 – Put down your phone and pay attention. If it’s a calm day, use the Top Pup. Super-Fast Action Tail. 41:01 – The white bucktail jig and big spoons for bigger fish. Lesson #1. Goofy jigs are more than just a beach lure. Rigging Recommendations: - Hoss Helix Weighted Hooks : Both sizes (3/0 & 4/0) can work for this lure, but the best all-around size is 3/0 in 1/8th oz in my option for fishing the shallows (1-2ft). D. 37:08 – Find redfish here during the. 1:56 – Much easier to catch these snook from the beach (not in a boat) 2:28 – The best time to go catch snook from the beach. How To Tie A Non-Slip Loop Knot (Quick. 7:15 – Underwater Camera Research. " Made in the USA Length = 3. 5-inch Gold Digger Paddletail. Email Address: Password:1:24 – Luke’s go-to winter fishing lure. 17:31 – BIG SECRET revealed about new Salt Strong lures coming soon. As mentioned earlier, the color gold is ideal for muddy water and. Check these lures out in action below!!Salt Strong added the glitter flecks, and the result is an awesome lure that looks very natural in the water. 3:28 – Keys Flats Fishing Rigs. 5 inches Weight = 0. Don’t push the lure over the barbs just yet. 1505 S Lake Shipp Drive Winter Haven, FL 33880 (855)888-6494 [email protected]. If you do not identify the top and bottom of the knot, then the knot won’t cinch down right at the end. You do not want your bait to appear off or unnatural in the water. If the Pigfish are on the smaller side, you can bump down to a 4/0 size hook. 47:28 – Match the hatch with your lures by season. Fall is an awesome time of the year to catch big trout and using a topwater in the morning, then switching to a jerk shad or paddletail (depending on water clarity) as the sun comes up is a great gameplan. Catch More Fish. ) Gold Digger 3. The BOMBER is a 5-inch paddletail similar to our 2. But the truth is that 90% of fish hold in 10% of the water…. 99. Shrimp (Pros & Cons) 2:48 – Gulp Shrimp (Pros & Cons) 3:28 – Snook fishing in Brazil with shrimp lures. You can follow the timestamped table of contents: 1:40 – D. The core premise is to have your bottom hand on the butt section and. The easiest way to bring Spanish mackerel right to the boat is to chum. 0 paddletail lure on a jighead rigged properly will swim straight and streamline creating the desired wiggle of the tail. Hoss Helix Hooks. E. 2. 41:49 – Fishing smaller bridges near creek mouths at night. We genuinely want to earn your trust in hopes that you eventually join our Salt Strong "Insider" Fishing Club and believe these free lures represent our best foot. If you are fishing in shallow water with a jerk bait, you want to angle your rod down more and use more of a twitch-twitch-pause approach but to your side rather than up and down. Diamond jigs or spoons are one of the best lures to throw from the beach because of how well it casts and how well it effectively targets multiple species. The Z-Man Jerk Shad in the Slam Shady color is a great shrimp imitation lure to use down near the bottom for a natural presentation. The Bomber enables you to cover a ton of ground. E. Then, take the tag end of the line and run it back through the eye of your jighead or hook. If there is lots of wind and chop, use the Top Dog. 3. Here are lures I do like for skipping: Soft plastics. Here is the homepage for tips, tutorials, reviews, rigging, and more for suspending lures! How To Retrieve The Skinny Lipper [3 Retrieve Styles] This video lesson shows the retrieve styles to use for the Skinny Lipper to consistently catch redfish, seatrout, and snook in. Jerk Shad vs Paddletail 11 for 1. S.