8: Black Hill. Viewpoint 1. CUMBERHEAD WEST WIND FARM This page is intentionally blank. Ray wind farm A battery storage system with a capacity of 20 MW is planned at the Ray wind farm in the United Kingdom. 41 (sheet C) Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark III. 2 Within the study area for shadow flicker effects (within 130 degrees either side of north from each. People for CUMBERHEAD WEST WIND FARM LTD. uk. ECU Reference: ECU00002094. Paper size: 841 x 297 mm (half A1) Correct printed image size: 820 x 260mm. Application Description: The Proposed Development will consist of approximately 20 wind turbines up to 200 m blade tip height and its generating capacity will be approximately 120 MW. This represents an emissions reduction of 55,625. CUMBERHEAD West Wind Farm 3R Energy, on behalf of CUMBERHEAD West Wind Farm Ltd, has submitted an application to the Scottish Government Energy Consents Unit (ECU) Nordex Group receives order for 50 MW from Scotland The 50 MW CUMBERHEAD wind farm is located in the county of South Lanarkshire, Scotland. Nationality: NATIONALITY UNKNOWN. The company registration number is SC535501, It’s main line of business activity is Dormant Company, and the company is. The Stranoch wind farm site is located in Dumfries and Galloway, between New Luce and Barrhill. Figure 6. Published by SAS Volunteer on July 6, 2020. Read more… […] Read More… Orkney Community Wind Farm Project CUMBERHEAD WEST WIND FARM This page is intentionally blank. Stranoch wind farm has won a CfD for 99. ECU00002094. This overview intends to explain the background to the Proposed Development and how it fits into a wider strategic plan for the. and will have an installed capacity of up to 57 MW. 3 Legislation, Policy and Guidelines 12-1 12. ScottishPower Renewables (SPR) have submitted a Section 36 Application to the Scottish Government for a development consisting of 10 wind turbines up to 149. G N Tait Ltd: Director: Director: 12 September 2014 — 22 January 2021: RESIGNED. KEY: Wireline Drawing Angle of view: 53. Douglas West Wind Farm Extension – Consented. 3R Energy has secured planning permission for 70 acres of industrial/ development land at Junction 11/12 of the M74 motorway in South Lanarkshire. Cumberhead West Wind Farm – Environmental Impact Assessment. Cumberhead West Wind Farm Wind & Storage Project View all our Areas of Focus The proposed wind farm has a generating capacity of around 126MW, comprising 21 wind turbines with a ground to blade tip height of up to 200 metres and associated infrastructure. The new Cumberhead onshore wind farm in South Lanarkshire, Scotland will supply Kimberly-Clark with approximately 160,000 megawatt hours of renewable energy annually for consumer brands Andrex, Kleenex, Huggies, and business to business brands WypAll ® and Scott ®. Operating Capacity. Coordinated Approach to the Future of the Hagshaw Wind Cluster . The site is located approximately 3. Application Received Date: 23 Jun 2020 Cumberhead West Wind Farm was granted consent by the Scottish Government on the 17th November 2021. Director details. The Mechanics Workshop, New Lanark, Lanark, ML11 9DB. Octopus Renewables Infrastructure Trust (ORIT), managed by Octopus Renewables Limited, has commissioned the Nordex Group to supply twelve N133 turbines for the Cumberhead wind farm in Scotland. CUMBERHEAD WEST WIND FARM. Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark III. As a. 3 km west of Coalburn ECU Reference: ECU00002171 Planning Authority: South Lanarkshire Council; East Ayrshire Council Cumberhead West Wind Farm Limited The Mechanics Workshop, New Lanark, Lanark, ML11 9DB [email protected]. CUMBERHEAD WEST WIND FARM LTD. 1m LONG VEHICLE, WITH 76m LONG BLADE Overall Length 55. Erection of 13 wind turbines (up to 200m maximum blade tip height) with a total generating capacity of 78MW, associated infrastructure, plus around 20MW of energy storage capacity Cumberhead West Wind Farm – Consented 4. BiGGAR Economics provided input for the Public Inquiry covering issues related to socio-economic impacts and tourism. Location in the UK : Scotland, Moray Type of installation: Wind on/offshore: on Turbines :21 Capacity : 42 MW Approx Date of 1st power generation: May 2005 Subscribe to Renewables Map to see: Wind Turbines make / model / hub height / elevation / latitude and longitude. Cumberhead wind farm is a wind farm under construction in South Lanarkshire, Scotland, United Kingdom. 9: A70, Rigside. Lens:The new Cumberhead onshore wind farm in South Lanarkshire, Scotland will supply Kimberly-Clark with approximately 160,000 megawatt hours of renewable energy annually for consumer brands Andrex, Kleenex, Huggies, and business to business brands WypAll ® and Scott ®. 5mm. The site is located approximately 3. of Turbines. Cumberhead West Wind Farm – Environmental Impact Assessment. The site is located approximately 3. 4. Douglas West Wind Farm Extension Wind & Storage Project View all our Areas of Focus The site constitutes a gap between Douglas West Wind Farm, Hagshaw Hill Wind Farm, and a number of other consented wind farms on the north side of the Douglas Valley. 1 2 | P a g e Table 8-1-1 Summary of total hours of valid survey per VP in each season Period VP 1 VP 2 VP 3 VP 4 VP 5 VP 6 2019 breeding season 28. 1). Cumberhead West Wind Farm: Fish Habitat Report 4 | P a g e 5 RESULTS 5. 2 Date: 30 October 2020 Tel: 0141 342 5404 Web: Address: 93 South Woodside Road |Glasgow | G20 6NT Cumberhead West Wind Farm: Ornithology Scoping Report i | P a g e Douglas West Wind Farm Extension Wind & Storage Project View all our Areas of Focus The site constitutes a gap between Douglas West Wind Farm, Hagshaw Hill Wind Farm, and a number of other consented wind farms on the north side of the Douglas Valley. Project Details Table 1: Phase-level project details for Cumberhead West wind farm Location Table 2: Phase-level location details for Cumberhead West wind farm The map below shows the exact location of the wind farm: Loading map. 1). Creating opportunities for local economic development . 6 km to the Read more… The Cumberhead Project, which is expected to be fully operational by Q4 2022, is a 50MW onshore wind farm located in South Lanarkshire, Scotland, and will consist of 12 Nordex N133 turbines and have an initial expected operating life of 25 years. The site is located approximately 3. Establish a 132kV substation at the Cumberhead Wind Farm site. Application Description: The Proposed Development will consist of approximately 20 wind turbines up to 200 m blade tip height and its generating capacity. 4: Nether Wellwood (A70) Figure 6. Cumberhead West Wind Farm – Pre Application. 9 m in height to blade tip with an installed generating capacity of around 50 megawatts (MW), and around 15 MW of ground mounted solar arrays producing a combined output of. Cumberhead Wind Farm Click here for Generation Forecast for wind farms based on Met office data Subscribers see an interactive map with Cumberhead Wind Farm and local projects displayed. Email address. 6: Strathaven War Memorial. Cumberhead Wind Farm is a 58. The value of the deal was not disclosed. 5mm. co. uk Application Description: The Proposed Development will consist of approximately 20 wind turbines up to 200 m blade tip height and its generating capacity will be approximately 120 MW. ie. ECU Reference: ECU00002094. Together, these allow progress to finalising all commercial and contract arrangements to ramp up construction activity through 2022 and 2023. 50 (sheet D) Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark III. Read about the Ray wind farm Mobile batteries Batteries are also suitable for mobile deployment. Community benefit contributions of £225,000 per annum will be provided from this project to support groups and projects within the local area. Introduction 1. uk Hamburg, 2 December 2021. Viewpoint 1. Photomontage (showing Future Baseline View and Cumberhead West Wind Farm). Cumberhead West wind farm is a pre-construction wind farm in South Lanarkshire, Scotland, United Kingdom. Cumberhead West Wind Farm Limited. Applicant: Theo Phillip. Paper size: 841 x 297 mm (half A1) Correct printed image size: 820 x 260mm. CUMBERHEAD WEST WIND FARM i TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORT 12 Traffic and Transportation Contents 12. 9km to the west of Coalburn, 5. 1 Executive Summary 12-1 12. 1 This Planning Statement has been prepared by David Bell Planning Ltd (DBP) on behalf of Cumberhead West Wind Farm Ltd (the Applicant) to support a section 36 application under the Electricity Act 1989 (the 1989 Act), for consent to construct,. The Earraghail proposal is for a development consisting of up to 13 wind turbines with a maximum tip height of 180m and a rated output of around 78MW , ground mounted solar arrays with an output of around 5MW and supporting on-site infrastructure, giving a total rated output of around 83MW. 68km south-east of the nearest turbine and Coalburn lies approximately1. Cumberhead West Wind Farm – Application Published by SAS Volunteer on November 30, 2020 November 30, 2020. Arecleoch Windfarm Extension is located on the National Forest Estate south west of Barrhill in South Ayrshire. (SC535501) Company status Active Correspondence address Scottishpower Renewables (Uk) Limited, 320 St Vincent Street, Glasgow, Scotland, G2 5AD. Applicants Case Reference Number: 662367. Cumberhead West Wind Farm Ltd 320 St Vincent Street, Glasgow, G2 5AD Application Received Date: 17 Nov 2020 Application Detemined Date: 18 Nov 2021. Wind Farm (Generating station of >100 200 MW Capacity) Project Name: Cumberhead West Wind Farm Status: Consented ECU Reference: ECU00002171 Planning Authority: South Lanarkshire Council; East Ayrshire Council Agent: All Contacts ITPEnergised 4th Floor Centrum House, 108-114 Dundas Street, Edinburgh, Midlothian,. Douglas West Wind Farm Extension – Consented. 1). Energy Consents Unit. Project Capacity: 126 MW plus 40 MW storage. 6 km to the Read more…Moray West Wind Farm Project Director. It will be developed in a single phase. Viewpoint . The purpose of the 50MW Cumberhead Wind Farm is to give the owner a substantial and sustainable integrated income from renewables and timber for decades to come. The proposal also includes. Proposed Cumberhead West Wind Farm. Erection of 13 wind turbines (up to 200m maximum blade tip height) with a total generating capacity. 1 This chapter presents an assessment of the potential shadow flicker effects from the Proposed Development on residential receptors. CUMBERHEAD WEST WIND FARM LTD. Next. 5 Assessment Methodology and Significance Criteria 12-4 12. According to GlobalData, who tracks and profiles over. KEY: Wireline Drawing Angle of view: 53. The proposed development site (‘the site’) is located within an area of active commercial forestryConexus West. 5mm. 16. 15. Cumberhead West Wind Farm: Appendix 8. Published by SAS Volunteer on November 18, 2021. A small company with a big impact. Lens: 50mm. Angle of view: 53. The purpose of the 50MW Cumberhead Wind Farm is to give the owner a substantial and sustainable integrated income from renewables and timber for decades to come. I am delighted to be taking on the Project Director role now that Moray West is in full construction mode. 17 36. Cumberhead West Wind Farm View Project. 5mm. uk. 31MW onshore wind power project. co. Accurate. Role Active Director Appointed on 28 August 2020 Nationality British. Angle of view: 53. Douglas is approximately 2. 1. North Kyle Brockwell Energy submitted an application to Scottish Ministers in September 2019 for the development of a wind energy project within North Kyle Forest in East Ayrshire. Douglas West Wind Farm was constructed in 2021 using. 10. Cumberhead West Wind Farm – Environmental Impact Assessment. Cumberhead West Wind Farm Ltd. 1. CUMBERHEAD WEST WIND FARM. 1 This Planning Statement has been prepared by David Bell Planning Ltd (DBP) on behalf of Cumberhead West Wind Farm Ltd (the Applicant) to support a section 36 application under the Electricity Act 1989 (the 1989 Act), for consent to construct,. Developing the Moray West wind farm. Nordex N133/4. The Cumberhead Project, which is expected to be fully operational by Q4 2022, is a 50MW onshore wind farm located in South Lanarkshire, Scotland, and will consist of 12 Nordex N133 turbines and have an initial expected operating life of 25 years. 3R Energy and SPR have now extended their partnership to develop the Cumberhead West Wind Farm (the Proposed Development) which would complete the wind farm. 42. Contact Say Hello! 01555 660 244 [email protected] km to the west of Coalburn in rural South Lanarkshire. Douglas West Wind Farm Ltd: Director: Director: 18 January 2016 — 11. Cumberhead West Wind Farm . The Proposed Development site adjoins an established cluster of wind farms around Hagshaw Hill (known as the ‘Hagshaw Cluster’) in rural South Lanarkshire, (refer to Figure 1. The existing wind farm comprises 26 x 600KW wind turbines which are 55 metres in height, with a total generation capacity of 15. Olsen Renewables was granted planning consent for Fetteresso Wind Farm in September 2022. Accounts. Paper size: 841 x 297 mm (half A1) Correct printed image size: 820 x 260mm. Cumberhead West Wind Farm Ltd 320 St Vincent Street, Glasgow, G2 5AD Application Received Date: 17 Nov 2020 Application Detemined Date: 18 Nov 2021 Application Outcome: Consented Max Total MW Of Development Applied For: 126 Max Turbine Height: 200 Number Of Turbines Applied For: 21 Octopus Renewables Infrastructure Trust plc (LON:ORIT) said today it has agreed to acquire the rights to build the 50-MW Cumberhead wind farm in South Lanarkshire, Scotland. Cumberhead West Wind Farm Ltd is a joint venture between 3R Energy Solutions Ltd and ScottishPower Renewables UK Limited. Angle of view: 53. Proposed Cumberhead West Wind Farm. CUMBERHEAD WEST WIND FARM. e. 1 Background 1. Current Stage. 2 Date: 30 October 2020 Tel: 0141 342 5404 Web: Address: 93 South Woodside Road |Glasgow | G20 6NT Cumberhead West Wind Farm: Ornithology Scoping Report i | P a g e The Stranoch wind farm site is located in Dumfries and Galloway, between New Luce and Barrhill. ScottishPower Renewables is leading the UK in the operation and development of onshore wind, with projects located across Scotland, England, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. 9km to the west of Coalburn, 5. Phone. It is planned in Scotland, the UK. co. Brockwell Energy submitted an application to Scottish Ministers in September 2019 for the development of a wind energy project within North Kyle Forest in East Ayrshire. (SC535501) Officers; Persons with significant control; Filter officers Filter officers Current officers 8 officers / 5 resignations COYLE, Fiona Correspondence address 320 St. 1. of turbines. Vincent Street, Glasgow, Scotland, G2 5AD. South Lanarkshire.